Your Tree Service in Jacksonville and surrounding areas

At Tree Service Jacksonville we recognize the contribution that nature and wildlife provide to our wellbeing.

Trees enrich our lives. Not only do they provide shade, look beautiful and contribute to our well-being, they are also a vital source of oxygen. It is impossible to imagine our cityscape and landscape without them.

But they also harbor dangers. Old and diseased trees in particular can quickly cause devastating damage during a storm. Even if a tree still appears healthy, an expert can quickly tell if it is thoroughly sound. That's why it's so important, even before any damage has occurred, to have a certified arborist assess your trees. He or she can tell you exactly whether your trees are healthy or what measures are needed.

Our tree services include tree removal, crown raising, tree trimming, tree stump removal, tree cabling as well as services such as hedge trimming and shrub trimming.

We also have an emergency service and will be there for you in case of an emergency. We are also happy to inform you what you can do to help your trees grow healthily. In addition to regular tree pruning, we also offer fertilizer support.

If we need to remove a tree from your property, we will also remove wooden debris such as leaves, twigs and branches. With our shredder, smaller pieces can be shredded into mulch and spread around your yard if you wish.

We can cut up the trunk and larger branches if desired. So you have firewood or if this is not needed, we dispose it for you. Use our all-around service. So you can enjoy your free time relaxed, knowing that the work is done by professionals.

Some of our Services


There are several reasons for tree removal. The most common reason is that it has become a hazard, due to disease, age, or storm damage. Sometimes it has simply grown too large for where it was planted, or it needs to make way for a new construction project. Whatever the reason, leave this work to the professionals. The danger is too great for a layman, who often underestimates the situation.
Call us, we will be happy to advise and help you!here


Whether we have a tree freshly removed at your place, or you have old stumps on your property, stump grinding or stump removal is the solution.
For one thing, they pose a hazard. It's easy to trip over them and injure yourself. Or they can be overlooked when mowing the lawn and cause damage to the mower. For another, they attract pests and transmit diseases to healthy plants.

Contact us today. We have the necessary knowledge and machinery so that all that is left of your tree stumps is sawdust!here


Hedges need to be trimmed regularly to keep them healthy. This way, they grow nice and bushy and evenly, and continue to be a nice-looking boundary of beds and property. For the layman it is not only a very annoying and extensive work, usually the layman does not get an even cut. Our highly trained professionals will gladly do this work for you in a quick and clean manner while producing a result that you'll love. So you can relax and enjoy your garden!here

Why should your trees be regularly pruned and trimmed?

Many people consider trees to be part of nature and think they require less maintenance. However, if you have trees on your property, it is very important to care for them regularly. This is how you prevent disease and damage.

Having an expert regularly assess your trees can prevent a lot of damage. A licensed arborist will immediately see if your tree has diseased or dead parts. He knows what to do in this case.

Because falling branches or a falling tree can quickly cause great damage to people, animals or buildings!

Don't let it come that far and contactmake an appointment with us today!

In addition, regular tree pruning supports healthy growth. Professionally executed, dead branches are removed and the crown is thinned. What many don't realize is that a crown that is too dense causes the lower crown to not receive light, which leads to the weakening of the tree. And a weakened tree is always a danger!

You have fruit trees and shrubs? Here, incorrect pruning can cause the harvest to be low or even fail altogether! Especially fruit trees form so-called water shoots, which must be removed in order to continue to harvest beautiful and tasty fruit. Laymen often destroy more than it does the trees good!

It is better to let the experts from Tree Service Jacksonville take care of it, in order to avoid unpleasant surprises!

Jacksonville, Arkansas, USA

Please call us or fill out the contact form on the left. Describe your problem in as much detail as possible so that we can assign the right person to contact you.

In case of emergency, such as storm damage or if there is acute danger, please call us. Our team will be there to ensure that the hazard is quickly removed and that you and your family can once again walk safely across your property.

24/7 Tree Emergency Line

Licensed and Insured

Free Estimates


About Us

At Tree Service Jacksonville, we are a fully licensed and insured tree service company. We have decades of experience and state-of-the-art technology, so we can solve any problem. Our highly trained staff is here for you, because our focus is on the customer.

Good service - affordable prices, that's Tree Service Jacksonville.

You have an emergency? No problem! Our 24 hour emergency service is there for you!

Are you looking for a competent partner who not only takes your wishes into account, but also gives you professional advice? Make an appointment with us today! A trained employee will take a close look at your trees and your garden. He immediately recognizes where sources of danger are, such as diseased trees or shrubs. Or too little light incidence, which damages existing plants and leads to mold growth on your buildings due to moisture.​ Your hedge needs a new trim? Your trees and shrubs need to be brought into shape? Call us, we are here for you, with whatever request!

Tree Service Jacksonville, AR Phone 501-510-7781

Our Partners

For tree service in Boynton Beach, contact our friends at Boynton Tree Service.

For tree removal in Parkland, WA, contact our friends at Tree Service Parkland.

For tree trimming in Perry, contact our friends at Tree Service Perry.

For tree removal in Sanford, contact our friends at Tree Service Sanford.

For tree service in Goose Creek contact our friends at Goose Creek Tree Service.

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